Leaving the hospital was a catalyst, I suppose, to think about everything that happened while we were there. Including how very close we were to losing Job. I guess now that he's stable and home I've been thinking (and dreaming) about how critical he was. We are so grateful Job is alive! But it's going to take a while to recover from this hospitalization.
Job has moments of joy and contentment, particularly when he's sitting up and watching his brothers play or entertain him. But it's been a pretty difficult last couple of days. He's miserable withdrawing from his dilaudid and clonidine. We think he's teething too. He has 10 more days of this wean as scheduled, but I may ask to prolong it, depending on how today and tomorrow go.

It's also strange to get used to his oxygen tanks and concentrator. We had to go to the pediatrician and grocery store yesterday and it was hard to remember we were connected to the tank! Ezra and Isaac did a good job of reminding me though.
Actually, Ezra and Isaac have been amazing helpers!! Isaac can get the biggest smile out of his little brother. And Ezra has made it possible for me to draw up meds or go to the bathroom or make food or just have a few minutes break because he can so competently care for his brother and soothe him. How did I ever take care of a baby before without little assistants?? They love their baby brother so fiercely.
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