Wasn't I just writing about the fragility of life? The mountains and valleys of life with a CHD? Job's health feels so tenuous. It seems as if for every forward step he takes, there is at least one or two backward steps. His sats have been holding steady at 80-81. He even hit 82 this morning and there was talk of trying to go down to a half liter of oxygen.

But... He has vomited eight times in the last 44 hours. And we're trying not to get too worried. Yet.
As always, he has a whole team of doctors watching him closely. We're all on high alert but there's no apparent reason for these "emesis episodes" (as I have to chart them in the tablet, which makes me laugh).
My mind immediately jumps to scary things like heart failure because poor gut profusion is one of the red flags for heart issues (the gut can do without blood flow in crisis better than, say, the brain). I KNOW that's an overreaction at present but it doesn't FEEL like one.
I always struggle with conclusions for these updates. Job's health has never rested in our hands and that hasn't changed these last couple of days.
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