Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 2020

Now that we're two months post-op, I think I can confidently say Job really truly is talking more! His voice is so much clearer and stronger. He has a huge vocabulary and it's as if all these words that had been stored up in his head the last 2-3 years are now just pouring out!

We've been really strict on our lockdown. We haven't gone anywhere or seen anyone. Walmart Grocery Pickup is really struggling to keep up with all the new orders, so that's been inconvenient and has meant a shopping trip or two. It's weird to mask and wear gloves and sanitize everything. Maybe it's all unnecessary but we're wanting some time for things to settle before we discard such precautions.

We've gone on a few little family excursions to find isolated places out in nature to get a break from the house. It's been pretty difficult, actually! Favorite haunts are overrun with people, so we've had to go out rather far.

Art class has moved to Zoom, which has been quite the experience. It's helped us to remember to pray for all of our friends who are struggling with their online school experience.

I keep finding weird selfies on my phone courtesy of Isaac.

And I picked up cross stitching again!

Just the smallest bit of sunshine inspired the boys to pull out the hose and pools.

JOB CAN RIDE HIS TRIKE!!!! Oh, I wish we were still in weekly PT to show off this long-fought-for skill to Miss Kendra.

We were really really sad to miss out on Job's elaborate birthday plan: everyone dress in green and go to a park. (He was really inspired by Delaney's pink party.) But sweetly his cousins and aunts and uncles all dressed in green and sent him photo/videos birthday wishes and his brothers decorated a cake for him.