Here are the updates for Day 4 Post-op! (10/22/18)
5:53pm update:
Magical words! "Job is doing quite well today." Yay yay yay!
Very few changes were made; the focus was on keeping him comfortable and stable.
The Benadryl he gets before Thymoglobulin helped him get a good nap this afternoon.
He's uncomfortable when he wakes up but is consolable.
10:28am update:
Job is waking up a bit and it a lot of pain and is scared, so today is going to be more of the same: trying to comfort him as best we can.
Yesterday wasn't very "bad" in that he was pretty calm all day, so today is probably actually the day I've been dreading as far as writhing goes. It's such a delicate balance to have him comfortable but not too comfortable.
They won't make any changes to day and just observe to make sure he's stable. If he is, then tomorrow we could try to make progress getting off various supports.
Seth entertained and distracted Job this morning with reports on the various NFL and collegiate games played this weekend:
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