Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Day 12 Post-op Updates

5:00pm update:
Highlights from today: Job got to play with extra sensors and leads and put them on his monkey. He watched Winnie the Pooh. And he proudly triumphed after pulling out his NG tube and hi-flo cannula on multiple occasions.

Lowlights from yesterday and today: he has a cold virus. Very frustrating and disappointing. We'll be on viral precaution for several days (which means his providers have to gown up before they enter the room and his brothers can't come visit), and that is definitely going to slow his post-op recovery.

He is not very symptomatic, just a wet cough. But he has de-satted to the mid-80s, probably both because of the virus and fluid in his lungs that is still there from surgery (aka pulmonary adema). They put him back on hi-flo because of the de-satting, and his saturations are back in the mid to high 90s on 4 LPM of hi-flo.  He probably won't leave the CICU till he is off oxygen support again.

He continues to wean down milronone, which is the last medication they must discontinue before he can leave the CICU.

Overall, things are still on track and he is doing well. This virus is just a bump in the road, Lord willing.

12:54pm update:
Job's doing really well on 4 LPM of hi-flo now. And it's taped in a way that is bothering him less.

9:09am update:
Wet cough, satting in low 90s during breaks from hi-flo. X-ray was fine. Dr. Kemna said echo was very good. Still off insulin. Last day on his milrinone wean. Hates his cannula.

2:13am update:
They tried to lower his hi-flo to 4LPM (from 8) and he de-satted to the mid-80s. I guess he really does have a virus. 😞

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