I took the little boys shopping the other day and Frightful absolutely loved "driving" this cart. I think he felt like a big boy, sitting next to his big brother! It's hard for me to let him do things sometimes, because I have this long list of concerns... But I've been convicted lately that I need to treat him like a big kid instead of a baby and he's never been so happy!
He understands so much more than I give him credit for! The big boys are good to explain what they're doing or learning to Job, but I need to do the same. I've been particularly focusing on his receptive language - being consistent with the words I use to describe what I'm doing with him. I already see a difference in his responses when I'm talking to him about what I'm about to do.
We had our speech pathology evaluation almost two weeks ago but I don't believe I wrote about it. Job qualified for services, as we expected him to. He's on the wait list but ought to be on someone's caseload by the end of the month because he's high priority due to his age. Speech therapy will focus on his expressive and receptive speech as well as some feeding skills.
It was fascinating to hear the pathologist talk about how Job's VCP affects him. We'll be learning a lot more about it soon, but she said that his paralysis affects the quality of his voice more than it affects his ability to vocalize. The reasons he's been slow to make vocalizations are multifactorial and we'll be exploring this quitr a bit in therapy.
That it's spring and there's theoretically less sickness going around is helping me a bit braver with Job. But we certainly do a lot of shopping cart cleaning, for example, since he is still so fragile.

We continue to work on weaning off oxygen, titrating between .5 and .25 lpm. It's a slow but steady process. I've said it before, but I'm still in shock that the fistula worked! I shouldn't be! Was I doubting his cardiologist? But we've been on oxygen for so long that I really didn't expect to get off it.
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