It was hard to wait months (since November) for answers for Job's declining sats and to wait weeks to know which surgery would be performed and to wait this week to have it scheduled. I was starting to be a little irritated with what I perceived as SCH's excessive slowness, to be honest.
But I was reminded today, as I spoke to the surgery scheduler who had to put me on hold and call me back several times, that I'm not privy to the hundreds of emails and consultations that are going on behind the scenes with his various providers. So many people have to be consulted to schedule even something as simple as his pre-op! It took a lot of little pieces to get this far because Job is so... Complicated.
I mention this mostly to remind myself, when I come back and reread this, how long some of these processes take. I suppose it's also an opportunity to practice what I preach to my children about patience. I tell them that, for the entirety of their lives they will always be waiting for something and it's how they wait that matters... But I guess I don't always exhibit that myself.
March 7th seems so far away. We were offered February 14th as a potential date but I declined that because it seemed a little to soon to plan for the big kids and because Job is still recovering from his cold. So patience again! And avoiding all germs!
I just love watching Frightful learn to manipulate his body. Look at that little leg! When he's not sick, he makes huge daily strides with his PT! It's really exciting.
And it's the sweetest thing to watch the big boys love on him.

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