Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Seth's Update (9/20/16)

Here are a few quick bullet points about Job's biggest issues/prayer needs:

-The squeeze of his heart (aka "heart function") has not been very strong since the surgery. It seems like the doctors don't exactly know why.

-His Aortic Arch, according to recent echo images, appears to be even more narrow than before the surgery, despite the surgeon's attempts to repair/widen it. If (or when) they do a cardiac catheterization, it will be for the purpose of once again widening his arch.

-His sedation needs, due to his intense pain, must be balanced with his need to breathe deeply on his own. According to Dr. Files, the team must do a better job of managing this balance the next time they attempt a successful extubation.

-His pain and discomfort are causing him to have episodes of severe oxygen desaturation, hence the need for so much sedation/pain meds.

-Autumn and I are pretty shaken up at this point, but Job needs us to be focused, hopeful, worshipful and ready for the day.

In Christ's name, Amen

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