Thursday, November 15, 2018

VFSS Results


Oh, I couldn't be more excited but I think that pales in comparison to Job's excitement.

Job got to sit in this special little chair and I gave him food/drink with barium while they took x-rays.

He swallowed food and purees just fine but aspirated on thin liquids (regular water/juice). So then we tried nectar thick liquids (juice with a thickening agent in it) and he aspirated, so then we tried honey thick liquids (juice with extra thick thickener in it, to the consistency of a thick smoothie) and he could handle that. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!

Our first stop after the appointment was the cafeteria and I bought him whatever he pointed at.

He even asked me to stop midway home for more food! And then once home we scrambled eggs and he devoured four eggs before I made him take a break.

This means that the intervention (gel injection) Oto did last week worked! We assume it's his right vocal fold working to overcompensate and reach to the plumped up left vocal cord to give him voice but also to protect his airway as he swallows.

It's just not all the way back to pre-transplant baseline to close in time before the fast moving thin liquids approach his airway.

We'll reassess in about 90 days with another VFSS but we'll see Oto in 33 days to talk about whether or not we need to do a more permanent intervention.

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