We're home! We're finally home!

The discharge process was excruciating and I'm about to go to bed and leave Job to play with Grandma and Grandpa or Daddy or anyone else.
But how amazingly adorable and sweet was our welcome home signage? We have the best friends.

3:30pm update:
I remember when I was pregnant with Job and talking to another mom at our homeschool co-op whose daughter had been at SCH multiple times. She said one of the things she wished she had known about hospitalizations was how long discharges take and therefore was warning me so that I would set my expectations accordingly.
We've had some long discharge days before but today takes the cake. I don't understand why the paperwork is taking so long. Every other nurse has been able to get it ready before rounds so that we just have to get the attending to check off... but not today.
Job is melting down worse than I could have expected.
12:40pm update:
We get to go home!!!! The attending needs to come assess Job and then the nurse needs to get our discharge paperwork together and we have to grab meds. Yay! Yay! Yay!
8:00am update:
Job had a pretty good night. He hates sleeping in his crib and tossed and turned but didn't have any increased work of breathing or desaturation episodes. Now we wait til rounds (~12pm) to hear the official word on discharge.
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