Job will be presented to the selection committe on Wednesday, August 1st. They will review all of his evals and determine whether or not to list him for transplant.
Later today I'll take Job in for his second set of MMR and varicella vaccinations. Typically these would be given around age 5, but because they are live vaccinations we're accelerating that timeline as Job cannot ever have a live vaccination post transplant.
And, of course, if we list then we must be ready to recieve an offer that day, so Job cannot be listed until he is sufficiently vaccinated as per the recommendations made by the Infecious Disease team.
He cannot be listed until three weeks after receiving live vaccinations (which MMR and varicella are), which would put us at a possible listing date of August 17th.
There's a chance SCH would need additional testing and there's a chance that they will determine he is not a candidate for transplant, but we don't currently have reason to anticipate these outcomes. This week will be an exercise in patience and trust because nothing is official yet and we want to hold our expectations in check.
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