Job really enjoyed his extra, exclusive time with Daddy and didn't fuss too much about his ultrasounds (which he slept through!) of his lab work.

One really exciting thing to me is that we officially got approval to do right arm blood draws! We haven't had right arm access for at least two years because of blood clots the first year and because of his axillary fistula this last year. Now that the fistula has clotted off we're not worried about blowing the fistula with the needle. His left arm is so scarred that he's often a hard poke, but now he has an arm fresh with untouched veins!! Lab draws have always been such a simple but sad thing.
Nutrition clarified some of our questions about foods prohibited post transplant.
We met a new-to-us cardiac anesthesiologist and the other transplant coordinator we'll be wotking with, should Job be listed.
The most beneficial part of this week was the 1.5hr meeting we had with Dr. Nuri (the surgeon who has done all of Job's surgeries). He didn't give us much new information but he carefully sumarized the entire transplant process with just the perfect amount of careful detail. That he's a doctor we know well (and so greatly trust and respect) made his synopsis even more valuable. And we finally got a picture with him, something I meant to do after Job's first surgery and his second and third and fourth.

I have so much more information to process (through writing most likely) about what we're tentatively expecting in the next weeks and months but that will come later!
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