He hasn't had a whiff of oxygen in 19 days! It's been 24 days since he desatted. And 33 days since he was on continuous 24/7 oxygen! I mean, who's counting?

I love not carrying around oxygen tanks (they're heavy!) and I really love not policing him pulling off his cannula. It's just wonderful.
But Job is ECSTATIC to be off his cannula. That's what I love most. These last three weeks, his entire demeanor has just been shining with excitement and wonder. No constraint! He scoots around with such freedom!
He's starting to pull himself up to stand. He's climbing up and down little steps. Basically, he never stops moving. Ever. Or eating. And he's so proud of himself! His pride and wonder and excitement is contagious. (Take, for example, this video of him sliding today: https://youtu.be/JutHyrcCh5k So proud and happy! But I couldn't seem to capture that excitement in this photo of him eating a popsicle tonight.)
We saw cardiology last week and I've been marveling at their pronouncement ever since: Job doesn't go in for another appointment for THREE months. We haven't ever gone so long between appointments! (They were even twice weekly, outpatient, at one point!) Dr. Files said this is the FIRST time in Job's life that he will "mindfully neglect" Job's cardiac care. No list of things to research for the next appointment. No new meds or procedures to try. No immediate concerns.
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