Job is so very excited to that he's walking. If he wasn't so proud of himself, I probably couldn't let him walk so much - but how do I stop him? Walking IS a good thing... It's just hard to watch him turn so blue.
Likewise, he wants to be outside all the time. His big brothers are outside, so that must be what big boys do! He asks so nicely, so often, but when we do go outside he gets so cold so quickly... And turns blue.

How do you find the balance appreciating and even encouraging such a huge developmental skill (that we have worked SO hard to achieve) that is also hurting him? How do you mostly deny requests to be outside in the fresh air, playing with balls and looking at new spring plants?
I wish he'd be interested in vegging out and binge watching some TV instead.

It's also been a rough month because we've had a good 4+ appointments a week. I'd forgotten how consuming such a schedule is - however did we make it through the first year of Job's life?!
So that's a weird place to be too: so grateful for so many people working so hard to help Job... But also really wanting to get off the merry-go-round and just stay home and let my toddler walk around outside.
I'd really appreciate prayers for patience and trust and contentment because all of those things are really hard to come by this week.
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