Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cath Postponed


The cath was cancelled.

The cardiac anesthesiologist on Job's case had a family emergency and isn't able to to work tomorrow.

So it's now set for May 9th except I told them how worried I am about Job's rate of decline and so he's on a shortlist for cancelled appointments and we might admit if we need to.

We had an opportunity to take a slot this Monday but with a different interventionalist that I'm not familiar with and so I decided to wait for Dr. Rubio's next available slot. He knows Job's body and has been able to get femoral artery access when other doctors have not. It was a hard decision to make, though!

This will be subject to Job's cardiologist, Dr. Files, who might urge us to take the appointment on the 30th. But as long as Job takes breaks from activity, he's ok right now.

They're not going to bump someone else for him yet - though we've been on both sides of cancellations before... cancelling on us because some other kid needed an emergent cath and another kid getting bumped because Job needed an emergent cath.

We're watching him closely and have lots of numbers to call if we're worried. We'll see how he does the next few days though!

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