Drink up, Job! Only 9 hours to go before Job loses his eating/drinking privileges in preparation for surgery. Being NPO is always really hard, so we would appreciate specific prayers for Job's patience and stamina in the morning.

We came up to Seattle tonight to alleviate some driving-while-NPO time for Job as being stuck in the carseat while hungry is particularly difficult. But he'll have both Mommy's and Daddy's attention to distract him allll morning.
Iiiifffffff he doesn't start showing cold symptoms tonight or tomorrow morning. We had an exposure to a cold a few days ago and it seemed as if Job was coming down with something this morning - but was that just my paranoia?
All of today we called and emailed with Job's nurse and doctor and NP about whether or not to cancel and decided to keep him on the schedule as he had yet to show any symptoms. We'll cancel if we need to but aren't expecting to do so currently.

We came up to Seattle tonight to alleviate some driving-while-NPO time for Job as being stuck in the carseat while hungry is particularly difficult. But he'll have both Mommy's and Daddy's attention to distract him allll morning.
Iiiifffffff he doesn't start showing cold symptoms tonight or tomorrow morning. We had an exposure to a cold a few days ago and it seemed as if Job was coming down with something this morning - but was that just my paranoia?
All of today we called and emailed with Job's nurse and doctor and NP about whether or not to cancel and decided to keep him on the schedule as he had yet to show any symptoms. We'll cancel if we need to but aren't expecting to do so currently.
March 7th
Here's the mark for Job's incision! We're about head to the PACU!

Job is out of surgery. He's tired and hungry but doing well. His cardiologist says that as long as everything continues going well, he'll go home tomorrow! How strange for a kid who has made a habit of spending weeks in the hospital.
Thank you all for prayers. We praise our faithful God for all things as we continue to pray for Job's health and development.

These two were pretty glad to hear surgery went well! This was the photo Dad took in response to the photo we sent them of Job recovering. They're having a grand old time with Grandma and Grandpa!

March 8th
Hanging out in the hospital: https://youtu.be/1wrP4kVLj4g
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1wrP4kVLj4g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Job's welcome home committee:

March 10th
Guys, he's so happy!

We haven't had to use any Tylenol today and he's more active and more cheerful each day post-op.
He's even satting a bit higher! That's probably just because of the increased blood volume due to the fistula and not because his AVMs are dying off. But I'll take a number in the 80s any day.

We haven't had to use any Tylenol today and he's more active and more cheerful each day post-op.
He's even satting a bit higher! That's probably just because of the increased blood volume due to the fistula and not because his AVMs are dying off. But I'll take a number in the 80s any day.
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