The last week has been rough as we've all struggled through a cold. The kids are slowly getting better! I'm grateful that we have oxygen so that Job could stay home instead of go up to the hospital.
His vomiting continues, despite new medications. I was so hoping they would work! I'll find out Monday morning if we can continue with the GI scope this week or if it will have to be postponed like the cath because of this cold.
Job hasn't slept through the night well since our last discharge, but his cold has exacerbated his sleep issues. Seth especially has taken on the brunt of Job's irritability at night, but between the two of us we're up 6-8 times a night with Job. We're both so nervous about his vomiting, so every cough and choking noise sends one of us (usually Seth) jumping out of bed.
As with everything, we're supposed to divide Job's actual age in half because of his condition and the invasive nature of his surgeries, so when I was asking about Job's (lack of) sleep habits this week I was told to think of him like a 3.5-4 month old baby. I suppose that helps a bit, at least to manage our expectations, but Job was such a fantastic sleeper until the Glenn that it's hard to adjust. We're tired!
To end on a positive note, we had our best week of school ever! The big boys are finally settling into the routine we've been trying to establish since coming home and I'm absolutely thrilled. I would love for us to have good health and good sleep and good school, but since we apparently only get one of those things at a time, I'll take school!
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