Saturday, May 18, 2019

Post-Hospitalization Update (May 2019)

Job is home from the hospital again!

We were pretty frustrated to have two different 11 day admits in a mere two months and pushed hard for further assessment. Of course, being immunosuppressed, he's more susceptible to illness and struggles to recover from said illness, but was that "all" that was wrong? Was there anything that could be done to optimize his respiratory health?

We were all pretty sure that the biggest answer to these questions is just that Job really needs his vocal cord gel injections... but he can't go under anesthesia while recovering from these viral illnesses and we've therefore rescheduled his injections three times.

He's always struggled greatly to get off of respiratory support but we've always just chalked this up to his broken heart.

So Pulmonology came by while we were at the hospital and did a very thorough assessment. Apparently there are six pulmonary "compartments" and Job had problems in five of the six. So we started a whole list of new meds and are scheduled for a battery of new tests and procedures. I'm really thankful to start to optimize his respiratory health but am also daunted by how much we need to do.

In the week he's been home he's been so energetic and fun. I was going to say that he hasn't been this healthy since February but really, he was still recovering from transplant back then so really I'd probably have to say it's been at least a year since he's been this active! I took him to the park a few days ago while the big boys were in class and he was running all over the place and didn't even get tired!

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