Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 2019 Update

Job had the tiniest cold this month and developed an ear infection. We expected that his body fighting a cold/ear infection would bump up his numbers (like BNP which is a little snapshot of how stressed out the heart is in that exact moment you test it), and sure enough, his numbers all skyrocketed enough that we got to go up to SCH for an extra visit. He was just fine, but we're grateful SCH is so very attentive.

He's actually so stable that Seth and I left him and the big boys for 48 hours in the snow at a youth retreat with high schoolers from our church. How amazing is that?

We also attended an award ceremony at A Step Ahead Pierce County to help present a grant to their organization and got to see Miss Janet, Job's former specialized instruction therapist who worked with him from July 2016-January 2018. He really didn't remember her, which just breaks my heart because she was such a lifeline for us, for me emotionally and for Job developmentally. I've long realized that Job wouldn't really remember his various providers but to actually see it happen already? I guess that's a large part of why we try to take photos and keep up this blog. 

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