Monday, September 28, 2020

September 2020


And I'm really really overwhelmed.

We decided to go back to in person church. They've created a special masked, socially distanced service. 

The boys all went shopping ten days before my birthday and had the hardest time waiting for my actual birthday to give them to me. Ezra has campaigned for about 8 years for Seth to buy me fancy jewels and this year somehow he convinced Seth to buy me a beautiful sapphire necklace!?! I love it! But I'm still surprised.

Ezra bought me a neck pillow because he remembered how much I liked his on our trip. Isaac an umbrella because I don't have one. And Job an electronic dictionary. I don't think of myself as a "gifts" person but I'm so touched by their thoughtfulness. It was a pretty big deal that they all went into the store - none of them have been inside a store since February!!

It's so fun to watch Job become one of the "big boys" and have his opinions and participate in these discussions, like what to get me for my birthday. And to hear him describe why he chose his gift for me. I'm so blessed.